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An SR22 insurance certificate is a legal document required by a state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) as proof that a driver is carrying the minimum amount of vehicle liability insurance required by that state. SR22 insurance is also known as FR44 in the state of Virginia and Florida is required to reinstate driving privileges after a serious driving infraction.

Who needs an SR22?

An SR22 auto insurance coverage is needed if you have any of the following driving violations:

  • DUI or DWI
  • Reckless driving
  • At-fault accidents without auto insurance
  • Driving without insurance coverage
  • Driving with a suspended license
  • When there are excessive violations within a short period of time

How long do I need to have an SR22 Insurance?

In most states, a driver will require to maintain SR22 insurance for a minimum of 3 years. However, depending on the violation, this can increase to 5 years. Also note that if your driver’s license is suspended, your SR-22 will only begin after the suspension is over. Additionally, if you fail to maintain your SR22 auto insurance for the said years, your insurance company is liable to notify the State, this will lead to the suspension of your driving license until the SR22 is renewed.

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The InsuranceXR is not an insurance company. We’re an independent company on a mission to help you compare all of your insurance options closely, so you can make a truly informed decision. Following are our unique features which make us proud:

  • We help you compare quotes from all the major car insurance companies within minutes over a phone call. We provide you all the information from insurers and intend to help and educate you so that you make informed decisions before buying and deciding to spend your hard-earned money.
  • We’re independent and have no stake in any insurance company you choose; Our intent is to simply offer you unbiased, quick & easier comparisons on your insurance options.

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