Comprehensive Car Insurance

What Is Comprehensive Insurance? How Does It Work?

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What Is Comprehensive Insurance?

It is a type of car insurance that covers damage to your vehicle for reasons other than a collision. Comprehensive insurance would cover your vehicle if it was destroyed by a tornado, dented by a run-in deer, spray painted by a vandal, stolen or damaged by a landslide crushed by a garage, among other causes.

How Comprehensive Insurance Works?

Here’s an example of how comprehensive insurance works if a driver files a claim. If a person drives a Honda accord worth $ 10,000 with a $ 1,000 comprehensive deductible and the car is completely destroyed by a tornado, the driver will receive $ 9,000 from the insurance company. If they’re not covered with comprehensive coverage and the car is destroyed by a tornado, many collision and liability policies don’t cover damage, and the driver will be responsible for the complete loss of $ 10,000. A driver might have to get a loan to buy a replacement vehicle or settle for something less expensive if you have $ 10,000 to spend on a replacement equivalent.

About The InsuranceXR

The InsuranceXR is not an insurance company. We’re an independent company on a mission to help you compare all of your insurance options closely, so you can make a truly informed decision. Following are our unique features which make us proud:

  • We help you compare quotes from all the major car insurance companies within minutes over a phone call. We provide you all the information from insurers and intend to help and educate you so that you make informed decisions before buying and deciding to spend your hard-earned money.
  • We’re independent and have no stake in any insurance company you choose; Our intent is to simply offer you unbiased, quick & easier comparisons on your insurance options.

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